Jeopardy Cruise Update

We postponed.

We were supposed to leave a week from today for the cruise to Alaska that Keith won from Jeopardy, but he is still too sick to go. He is so much better than when we were in Switzerland, but he is still coughing, exhausted, and generally feeling run down. We contacted Lindblad Expeditions and they had no problem rescheduling us for next June 11. Even if Keith suddenly felt good enough to participate in activities, he coughs a LOT and couldn’t imagine being that guy on the cruise. We are disappointed not to be off on our adventure, but it was soooo the right decision that it was easy to make.

There really wasn’t a good picture for that story – I guess I could have taken a picture of him on the phone, doing the postponing, but I didn’t. I could take a picture of him coughing – any minute out of three or so – but it probably wouldn’t be flattering. So, the picture of today is of some beautiful marigolds that planted themselves in a pot left out on the deck.

Marigolds from nowhere! What a win! Getting to postpone without a hint of an issue! What a win!

4 thoughts on “Jeopardy Cruise Update”

  1. Sorry to hear you had to postpone til next year, also that Keith is still suffering too.
    Hope you get well soon Keith . Thinking of you.

    I do remember you saying a while ago that you might as well carry on with POTD until after the cruise … does this mean we will be lucky enough to share POTD until July 2023 now? Do hope so.

    1. I had the same thought last night after I wrote the post. Do I stop now or keep going? I think I will keep going, because Keith and I are finding it a wonderful way to remember our days and keep connected with others – you especially! Thank you for the encouragement!

  2. I completely understand you cancelling the cruise, but am sad to miss your visit to Seattle. I do hope he feels better soon.
    A thought, have you ever thought of dating your blogs? Perhaps they are dated somewhere and I haven’t seen it. We just came back from a few days of camping and thought, “I wonder what day that was? “ I could go back and figure it out but it would be easier for me if you dated them. Lol. But maybe you have a reason not to? And I do hope you keep on blogging. It is part of my morning routine now…

    1. Fairly early on, I said the same thing. Where is the date? Keith showed me where it was if I went to the actual blog, instead of from the admin side of it. Mmmm. Now, I find nothing. He isn’t here to show me and he probably could, but if it isn’t obvious, it’s no good. I will add dates.

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