John’s RootBeer Stand

We were heading home today, but not before we stopped over to John’s for lunch. My brother and sister ordered wimpy little medium sized root beers. Keith and I ordered large mugs. The very friendly worker told us that they didn’t have large mugs (I was thinking…but I always have a giant mug) because the company that makes the mugs doesn’t make a large size. She held up the size I wanted and said they did have quart sized glasses. I told her I considered that large. She eyes it, then seriously nodded her head, “You’re right, I guess.”

The standard order for me is a chili dog – the neatest chili dog you will ever have, with the chili in first on the bun and dog on top – and a large popcorn to share. My mom really liked to go to John’s with Keith and I to have a root beer and popcorn, and I think it is the place I remember her the most. It should be in her house or somewhere we went all the time, but she really jumps out to me (boooo!) at the root beer stand.

I don’t remember going to John’s a lot when I was little, but I do know that my brothers told me that the oddly shaped white/red sort of Styrofoam looking things in their room were refillable John’s rootbeer mugs. It was explained to me that Mom and Dad took my older brothers to John’s after Donna and I were asleep (No information about where Nancy was) and used the weird cups. Since it was a matter of fact, I did not complain. I am guessing I assumed once I got older, I, too, would get to go to John’s in the late night.

Imagine my surprise when the years passed, and I was in high school band – seeing trumpet and trombone players using those “mugs” as mutes!! I can’t see a straight mute without remembering that I always believed everything my brothers told me – when I really shouldn’t have believed much at all. I accused at least one of them when I figured out the truth, but he denied remembering telling me that.

We brought home a gallon for Alexander, then opened it and had a little at his house. It is my favorite root beer ever.