Wednesday, December 20, 2023
I kinda love that we are always going to things that we don’t know what they are. We find a theater and look at the series and say, “sure, why not?” We were driving to the Lyric Arts theater tonight and Keith asked, “What do we know about Kat Perkins other than she is a singer?”
I answered, “She has brown hair.”
The show started and Kat came out. She definitely had brown hair (well, dark hair. It was pretty dark. Like blacker than brown. I now know that she has blackish hair, but on the drive there, I remembered the picture as her having brown hair. Keith just read this and said she had black hair. I concede that, but feel I must be honest in reporting what I actually said. And I said she had brown hair) under her hat. Headpiece. Shiny thing on her head. The first tune was Pure Imagination (one of Keith’s all-time favorites. I am more “eh” about it) and it was really LOUD. Like WOW! LOUD! The next song had yodeling (but luckily the sound guy figured out the LOUD and it was just LOud).
I was thinking, “Well, this is happening. Maybe we can’t stay. Maybe we have a food in the oven.”
In fairness, she was a pretty good yodeler. She told about growing up in a town of fewer than 300 people in North Dakota and promised a show that invoked the good times of her youth. (I am unclear since that came after the yodeling if yodeling is part of ND culture.) Her dad was in the band (he was the band director in her town for 37 years) and I thought that was great. He started the show wearing a Feliz Navi DAD shirt. The show was decidedly country or western or both or just kinda hillbilly-ish. Turns out I don’t know anything about North Dakotan small-town culture. I was learning.
One of the things I learned was that the guy next to me couldn’t clap in time. I don’t clap because I have to think too hard about it. This guy was just ever so slightly behind everyone else. He was right on, if right on was an 1/8 beat behind. I think that would be hard, but then I think clapping is hard.
A true high point of the show was when Kat stepped off stage (she left the stage several times, but then stood where we could see her and watched. It was kind of distracting. I kept thinking she was going to come back and join in, but she didn’t. It didn’t matter, but obviously it did matter, because I was just talking about it) after introducing her good friends, Poppa Bear Norton. They were terrific. They advertise themselves as original country music with redneck humor. I laughed a lot. They came back in the second half, and I laughed again. (It turned out we could stay. There was no food in the oven).
It was a super weird show, but I enjoyed it. Would I go to see her again? I don’t know…but I am looking up Poppa Bear Norton to see where they perform.