Sunday, November 10, 2024
Since we’ve been here twice before, we set 9am alarms – no need to hurry off the boat. I woke up three minutes before the alarm beeped, which was perfect.
We went to 10am trivia. There were only three teams. We got 16 (again!) and tied. We didn’t win the tiebreaker. It was how many million Scoville units does the hottest pepper have, to the nearest million. Since we had NO idea how Scoville units went, we guessed 62. The other team guess 22. The answer was 2. Mmmm. The nearest million comment really threw us. Whoops.
On the way to breakfast, we encountered the guys doing towel art. We chatted them up and found out they really just make it up as they go, unless they are really rushed for time, then they will copy one from before using a picture.

We had to use a tender to get ashore. It was pretty funny how they loaded the small boat – just letting people sit wherever they wanted to sit, then filling everyone else in. And in. And in. It took forever because no one shifted to let others sit or even move across the tight aisles. The boat people knew how many people could fit and just kept sending them. We hopped over to a really weird center area, so we were out of the congestion. Keith had an interesting conversation with a guy on our way back – he loves repositioning cruises because if you wait until the last minute, they are really cheap. He is on our boat for 48 days – three 10-day cruises, then 18 days getting back to North America. Phew! I was getting ready to smile when Keith took this picture. I said do it again. He said no.

Kotor is just a beautiful walled city. They have great shops. We walked the wall, looked at kitties (which are very common) and looked at the surrounding mountains. The comedian yesterday said he saw a classic thing in town yesterday. A lady came out of a jewelry store with her arm and hand extended up and out, flashing a flashy ring. The husband was shuffling behind, and she said, “I love it here. You should get a T shirt.” YESS! I don’t really go for rings, but I do get a lot of earrings. I told Keith today he should get a T shirt. He never gets any earrings.
Speaking of getting, I’ve asked Keith several times this week if he had a tattoo, where on his body would it be located. This harks back to the classic question in our family, “What kind of earring would you wear if you had pierced ears?” For 31 years, Keith (and Benjamin) have been stuck on “I wouldn’t have an earring,” unable to even imagine a different answer. (Alexander has great answers. His imagination button works.) Today, we made a HUGE step of progress. Keith said he didn’t know. Wooohoooo! Not I wouldn’t have a tattoo, but I don’t know. Things are happening, folks! Things are happening.
We saw a lady posing for her husband, and I remembered about POSING! I watched a video in the summer and now I had forgotten all about it. Here I am, posing. I do not remember anything from the video, but we almost fell down laughing.

The POTD kept coming up every time I opened my phone today. I took it very early in the afternoon, but it just stuck there. It is the potd for Alexander.

We met up with Simon and Keith for 4pm trivia. Simon climbed the mountain at our suggestion and had a wonderful time. He had to hurry to get back for trivia. The first two questions I got right, but the group voted for different answers. No worries, because winning is not why we are playing. Then we got one right, then the next two were mine. I was having a record setting round. We ended with only 14, which broke our streak of 16s – so sad to break a streak. We were chuckling at some of our mistakes, when it turned out we won! Apparently the other 35 teams had as much trouble as we did. Huh. We won coasters and now our lives are improved.
Desserts in the buffet were top notch tonight. I had a couple fruit tarts the other night, but haven’t had any other desserts. Tonight, I had a pistachio “Brulé” – the marshmallow stuff on top was toasted, AND a caramel flan. I was filled to bursting when finished, but wow, yummy.

We walked around the promenade deck and watched the town disappear into the dark after dinner. It was beautiful.

Football was on the big screen tonight, and the games and shows did not entice, so we watched a movie in the room. Keith’s nose is runny. OH NO.
Here is the picture from our window when I looked out this morning.

Great photos again! And a truly excellent pose!
Not another comment; I’m just changing my name from Youngng to Young. 🙂