Last nice day ’til June?

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Every fall when the kids were growing up, on nice, sunny days, I would say, “Go outside. It’s the last nice day ’til June.” You know – you’ve got to grab the nice days before winter gets you.

Today was the last nice day ’til June. Driving home from school, it was hot. I intended to go swimming, until I figured out it was going to be plenty hot well into the nighttime (it was 86) (and still is), so we could go nighttime swimming. Instead, I lured Keith with his favorite word(s) – ice cream.

We convertibled to Wisconsin for ice cream (so melty!), followed by dinner (priorities). We carried out and sat at a picnic table at the edge of the St. Croix River and were sweaty. Wheeee.

We took a scenic ride home, then went swimming.

Now we are inside and I am so hot. It is supposed to be a high of 66 tomorrow. I think I am ready. But if it’s sunny, I will go swimming.