Friday, July 7, 2023
I got lots of support today because of yesterday’s post about my life being a lie. I heard several theories (it seems very possible that Raiders came out very early in Waukesha as a test market and I was therefore able to see it at the budget theater before other people even saw it in regular theaters) and that many other people can’t remember most of what has happened to them. I guess I should keep writing a blog, because then I can go back and see what I did.
So, what did I do today? I went to Cub Foods all by myself. Keith and I always go together. Today I needed just a few things for a party tomorrow, so I went by myself. It was pretty exciting, to be honest. I parked and looked around at the stores in the adjacent area. I could go anywhere! Very powerful stuff. I did not go anywhere, but into the grocery store.
I decided right away that I would go rogue and buy Keith a treat not on the list. Mmmm. What would it be? A doughnut? Mmmm. Maybe. Mmmm. Little Hostess pies? He loves little hostess pies. Mmmmm. Nutty bars! Yesss. Nutty bars, because I love nutty bars too, so it would be an everyone treat. Cub is moving everything around. There is a sign that says something about refreshing for your happiness or something, but I know it’s not really for that. Nobody who knows their way around their grocery store wants anything to move ever. I don’t know why they are moving things, but it’s not for us. We were already happy.
Anyway, I got pizza sauce and vegetables and started looking for nutty bars. I looked in cookies/crackers. No. I looked in snacks. No. I went back and went more slowly down cookies/crackers. Still no (I get distracted. I thought maybe I forgot what I was looking for. My brain doesn’t really work, you know). I went to soda/water. No. I went to baking supplies. No. I thought the universe was probably telling me to stop looking, because I really didn’t need to eat these treats. I did not listen to the universe. I went back to snacks. No. I slowly went up and down each row. I found some Hostess breakfast items. I found some Entemann’s items. No Little Debbie. I decided that Little Debbie had made Cub mad and Cub was re-ordering the entire store so no one would immediately notice that they had stopped carrying Little Debbie items. At least I had figured out why they were moving everything. I finally decided to listen to the universe and turned my cart toward the check out.
And there, straight ahead of me, sticking out longer than all of the rest of the aisles, the first aisle was full of snack box goodness. I figured I would half listen to the universe and got the regular sized box, not the jumbo box.
Keith was excited by my expert shopping.
Then we went to the Hudson Band shell to hear the Minnesota Orchestra. They played Jurrassic Park music. LOVE IT. They played some Americana. They finished with the finale of a Dvorak symphony (#8) that was NOT the New World Symphony (#9). Way to go, MN Orch! Mixing things up!