Looks like we’re going to have to get going…

Friday, February 2. 2024

…to stay ahead of the weather!


We cut our trip to San Diego short. The original idea was to go somewhere warm during the cold times here. It turns out that we have no cold times here. The forecast for San Diego is the upper 50s and RAIN. And gale force winds. All week. Flash flooding because of 4″ of rain at a time. That made us think we were just going to be in our hotel room, wondering how to get something to eat. We were able to change our Delta flights (and get $31 back!) to leave next Friday evening and come home at dawn on Presidents’ Day. We canceled the first week of hotel with no penalty. We’ve been circling the idea all week and spent the time before I went to work re-planning.

Luckily, my sub job for the ROTC man at the high school did not start until 10am. Ten in the morning is a really nice time to start working. If you actually start working. My first class was at 10:30, then I was off from 11:30 – 2:00, so I never really started working (I had class from 2-3). I have no idea why they got a sub for two classes, but they did. And they didn’t ask me to do anything else, so I did German on my phone and read my book. I actually felt guilty and thought I should go volunteer somewhere, but didn’t know where that would be, so I stayed put.

I hope you celebrated Groundhog Day with my favorite movie! We did. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Looks like we’re going to have to get going…”

  1. Just curious: What did the ROTC classes cover? I immediately thought of marching, but I’m guessing that’s not right.

    1. The classes were Science of Flight. I did nothing but direct them to an assignment on the computer. I was very impressed when a student called for roll call and they all leapt to their feet at attention and answered roll. Other than that, they just acted like high school kids 🙂

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