
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

I could not get to sleep last night – my brain would not rest, so the rest of me could not rest. Nonetheless, I woke up three minutes before my alarm. I considered skipping swimming my loops and dozing off for another half hour, but I firmly reminded myself that I LIKE doing it, that somehow 62 degrees and wet wasn’t a bad thing yesterday, and that I was going to be too tired to swim after work.

Keith woke up while I was swimming and sent me this picture. I really like unexpected pictures. It looks like it is day; it is not.

I was right. I was very tired after work. I sat down in a blue chair and Keith sat in the computer chair and asked how my day went. I started telling him and literally by the third sentence he was asleep.


We went to a backyard movie (Undercover Blues – totally new to me – we laughed a lot) and now it is almost midnight. I am delighted not to work tomorrow!

5 thoughts on “Loops”

  1. Indeed a wonderful photo–a nice reward for getting up and doing your loops. It looks like an ad for something exotic, or maybe a movie poster: Don’t miss the sci-fi epic “Swim to the Sun!”

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