Tuesday, October 22, 2024
I drove home from work today thinking that it couldn’t be more beautiful outside. I went up the stairs saying, “Is it naptime or drive in the convertible time?”
I went in to change my clothes and asked again.
I went to Keith’s office.
Mmmm. I looked out the window and he was out doing the pool closing stuff. When he came in, very hot from working, he was all for a convertible ride. I did not even have to encourage him with the idea of driving to Wisconsin for Dairy Queen, but I did. I didn’t live in Minnesota when the drinking ages were different between the two states and 18 year olds would drive to Wisconsin to buy beer, but it always pops up in my mind when we drive to Wisconsin for crunch coat. Crunch coat is sweet crunchy things with sprinkles that go on an ice cream cone. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before. You can buy a little cup of the stuff to dip your cone into. They do not sell it in Minnesota. (It is just occurring to me that our friend Lee’s son-in-law is the manager of a DQ. Could he get me crunch coat in bulk? It does NOT seem like a reasonable thing to have. But it is occurring to me.) Not very long ago, we had the completely incredible idea of ordering a chocolate dipped cone, eating off the chocolate (and some ice cream. As you do), THEN dipping it in crunch coat. It is the most decadent, wonderful thing possible.
Since it was trafficky time, we went north through random roads and went over the Stillwater bridge. Since we were primarily enjoying the drive, we didn’t head straight for Hudson. We saw some delightful trees, stopped at a cheese factory that turned out to be closed, and enjoyed the sunshine.
And then I was lost. So lost. I had absolutely no idea where we were or which direction we might want to go to get to Hudson. It felt fun to just keep turning randomly whenever the trees looked pretty. When we finally got hungry, Keith just drove right out the lost and onto the road to Hudson.
The man gets lost in the Mall of America. Seriously. I have no idea how he pulled that off, and neither does he.
The sun was almost setting when we got home. It was still shiny enough to light up the trees and some of them had the greatest pink and orange look. I tried to get a picture, but I am sure it will not look anything it like it did in person. Imagine the potd is great.
Keith was putting some water into the pool and we came home to a squirrel hanging on the hose, having a drink. It’s been so dry for two months. I wonder how squirrels get drinks. Am I supposed to water squirrels? I don’t really like them, but if they are thirsty, it seems like the right thing to do. Huh.
