Friday, December 6, 2024
I had a really hard time waking up this morning. I made it to school right on time. I walked into my classroom and a kid followed me.
“Mrs. Thompson, are you the sub in here today?”
“Yes.” I was still too sleepy to wonder what else I would be doing unlocking that door.
He thrust a worksheet at me and said, “I don’t know how to do this.”
I looked at it. I didn’t know how to do it either.
It was figuring out terms in an arithmetic sequence and all I could think was, “The formula has a-sub-somethings and some parentheses.” Man, that is reaaaallly not enough to work through anything.
I found the formula and awkwardly helped the kid – my brain was seriously not clicking. I made several computation errors on the board – I always toss any kid who corrects me a candy, because it takes guts to correct the teacher. Second hour was delighted to catch me TWICE! I woke up after that, but it was fun (for some) while it lasted.
I gave blood after school. They have a new dealie – you put your thumb in a ring-y-thing – that takes your hemoglobin, and something else, and maybe something else. There is no more getting your finger stabbed, which hurts way worse than the arm needle. Yay. When I was done, the lady said, “There is water, juice, snacks, and socks up front.” I said no one had ever said that to me before.
I got Friends socks. Huh. My blood shirts are my nicest T-shirts. Maybe my blood socks will be my nicest socks. The Red Cross truck was parked in the Culver’s parking lot, and they gave me a coupon for a free pint of custard. I got Lemon raspberry because that just sounded like something Keith would love. I ate pretzels for my snack, because I love pretzels. What a great blood-giving.

On the way home, I detoured slightly to go to Maren’s to pick up a textbook she had borrowed from school for me. We went to pick up a kid and take him to the jumpy place – Sky Zone. Then we chatted. What an unplanned delight. I made it home at 5:55. Keith greeted me with, “The show starts at 7:00.” Whoops. We needed to eat and get to Hudson in an hour. And we did! When we arrived, there was a high school (I assume) choir singing carols in the lobby. They were great! What a happiness to see high school kids enthusiastically singing, while wearing lots of holiday gear.
We saw the play Prancer. We initially hadn’t gotten tickets, because it was advertised as for 5 years and up. We are “up”, but when you advertise for 5+ I think you are saying I might like it while I am bringing my small kid.
It was not that at all. It was very serious – a few light laughs or smiles – about mom is dead, dad is losing the farm, daughter might have to go live with her aunt, the neighbor is threatening to call the police on the daughter for trespassing, the deer ate some little trees and dad is going to shoot it if he gets the chance. And the first act was 90 minutes long.
I do not consider any of that 5-year-old friendly.
However, there was a 5-year-old sitting next to me. He was awesome. I commented on how great his red hair is, and he said he just grows it – ever since he was 4 or so – and he doesn’t even have to put ketchup or anything on it. The stage was set with birch trees before the show started and he and I discussed them. There was a blue light on them, which meant it was night, but not as dark as black night, just blackish blue night. They were not real but made of cardboard – which should have been recycled – and hopefully when they were done with the show, they would recycle the trees. We named quite a few of the trees – it turns out there was only one girl tree (she was right in the middle) – and her name was Jolly.

The play was good and well done, but the very, very best part of it was at the end, when the little girl is no longer believing the deer could be Prancer (of Santa fame) and the deer runs up the hill then disappears. The girl and her dad are on the edge of the stage, looking out over the audience’s heads, when they hear jingle bells and amazingly see Prancer fly away. My 5-year-old buddy was on his knees, looking EVERYWHERE to see Prancer. That is nothing short of JOYFUL! He crawled in his mom’s lap and had a few tears – he said, “I’m just so happy!”
So. I was wrong. It was great for a 5-year-old.
It’s time for our holly, jolly participation in the POTD! The theme of day seven is shopping! Send me a picture inspired by shopping – text or email – or [email protected] by 10pm December 7 and it will be in that day’s blog. If you want to remain anonymous, let me know – otherwise I will give you credit. You don’t have to play every day – any day or every day is fine! We will count down the days to Christmas together!
Here are our pet pictures by Kristine x2, Barbara, Julie, Louise, Sean, Alexander, Donna x2, William, Keith, and me x3.