Made My Cake and Ate it too

Friday, June 9, 2023

I had a little cream left over from making a sauce earlier this week and since we are going to be gone, I needed to use it up. What to do? Make an angel food cake, of course! My friend, Maren, was coming over to have a chat by the pool and I got the cake all ready before she came.

Then I completely forgot about it.


We binge watched Never Have I Ever season 4, because we cancelled our Netflix subscription and needed to see it before we leave for vacation. I cut a piece and put it on my plate. Keith was standing there, holding his plate, and said, “I want a bigger piece than that.” I cut another little piece and put it on my plate. Fool. I decided I was going to be waaay too lazy to go back for a possible third piece, so I just went for it.

Three pieces of cake is a lot, even if they are small (ish) and angel food, but I made it.

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