Mandy Patinkin

Friday, April 19, 2024

We went to see Mandy at the Ordway tonight. What a show! I don’t have any idea how to describe it – he sang a lot (very memorably Bohemian Rhapsody done as a classical song. It was simultaneously hilarious and beautiful) and he talked a lot (sooooo much funny). There were very few tunes that were done as they had been originally performed. He really gave his own spin on everything.

We are so, so, so lucky to have such great opportunities! I just sat there and marveled that we were there. It was in the concert hall – the smaller venue at the theater – and it felt so intimate and special. We’ve been watching Death and Other Details with Mandy (in it; he hasn’t been sitting on the couch with us) and I felt like he just stepped out of the TV and started talking to me. It was great!