May the Fourth Be with you

Thursday, May 4, 2023

I wore my Baby Yoda shirt today in honor of Star Wars day. All of the kids I saw wearing Star Wars shirts came up to me and said, “May the Fourth be with you,” which I thought was wonderful.

I was a huge fan of the original Star Wars. Huge fan! I saw it 13 times in the theater, or so I think. I have that number stored away in my memory (second only to Raiders of the Lost Ark’s 27 times in the theater) and I have no way of knowing if it is accurate, so I assume it is. I was in the car while Karen Johnson’s mom was driving us to Brookfield Square to see the movie when we heard that Elvis had died. There’s some trivia for ya! My trivia question to win the right to take the attendance to the office during homeroom this morning was what year was the original Star Wars released. The oldest guess was 1989, so winner? When I said 1977, they looked at me a little bit like they didn’t think movies had been invented that long ago.

As much as I liked the first movie, I’m much more of a fan of Star Trek than Star Wars. I have seen all of the movies (of both series), of course, but the Star Wars ones all blur together – sometimes Luke and Han Solo are there and that is good. Alexander is in charge of reminding me what happened in the last one before I see the next one. He’s really good that way.

4 thoughts on “May the Fourth Be with you”

  1. So today we all get to either HAVE a fifth or TAKE the fifth… Or something….

  2. My grandson would have given you the correct Star Wars date answer. On May 4, The Grandson was wearing a SW t-shirt, so I was pontificating on the phenomenon that is SW. I said “Whoever would have thought back then, 1976 or whatever, that the movie would still have fans.”

    “1977,” he said.


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