Wednesday, December 25, 2024
I hope everyone had a lovely day with family and friends! We did. We had our traditional brunch of sawdust sausage (my mom’s name for sawmill gravy over biscuits) and eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. Benjamin and Alexander did research and drove to the far side of Canada (or Maple Grove) to get their daddy pastel de nata. What a treat!

Opening presents is extra fun when you can’t remember what you got people.
I got Keith a soda stream soda maker and he is very excited. He likes toys and he likes soda, so things are working out well.
Then there was the traditional Christmas nap.
We played the funny farm game that Benjamin made all day and our brains are broken.

Jerry and Barbara sent their togetherness picture today 🙂

Here are our Christmas pictures. Thanks to everyone for playing all month long! It was really fun for me to see all the pictures!! Today’s pictures are from Louise, Jerry and Barbara, Nancy, Benjamin, Kristine, Julie, Keith, and me.

I forgot. But they all look lovely.
Lots to do on Christmas!
Again, what an extra special December!!! Thanks to EVERYONE for all the smiles all month long, as well as to the “authors of the party” – both Barbara and Keith.
Isn’t sharing fun? Thank you, Jerry