Tuesday, December 24, 2004
We ran a few errands and saw some friends today. It is so fun to see people the day before Christmas, because everyone is SO happy. Keith cooked the best brisket he has ever made, and we feasted on it and sweet potatoes and corn. (It was mentioned that the side items were basically sugar, to which we said, “Christmas!” You don’t think of it as a sugar holiday like Halloween and Easter, but it is). We had a fancy charcuterie board, as the people do. 🙂

After dinner we made gingerbread houses. There is a lot of frosting on the tablecloth. It was great fun.

Benjamin surprised us by creating a game on the computer (styled like the Funny Farm game of yore) starting with Disney World and building out. Alexander, Keith, and I got a good start on it, but we will need to spend time with it tomorrow. Fun times!
Last day for play-along tomorrow! The theme for tomorrow will be Christmas! Get your pictures in when you can.
Our togetherness photos come from Donna, Julie (3), Kristine, Louise, and me.

Sorry we forgot to send our “together” photo… I’ll see if it will paste in here. Merry Christmas to all – and thanks to Barbara (as well as the full Thompson clan) for engineering all of this fun. It’s been great every single day.
/Users/jerryyoung/Desktop/Youngs A.jpg