Metro Brass returns

Sunday, September 11, 2022

It’s like Batman Returns, but completely different in every way. It’s Keith’s brass tentet, which became an eleventet, and is now a fourteentet, and they had a rehearsal tonight for the first time in three years. Woohooo!

They sounded pretty good!

I was reading a history text book and listening. I enjoyed it a lot.

I don’t know who is reading this, and whether or not you might be a musician, but I want to take a minute to say you should support live musicians. I think it is unfortunate that people will pay hundreds of dollars for a ticket to a stadium concert (where obviously lots of money has been spent on the big screens and sound system and all the rest, so you do get bang for your buck), but regular people musicians have to pay venues to let them play, with little chance they will have enough of a paying audience to come out even. I get it. It’s different music, etc. etc. but, still. When you get a chance to support a local musician, take it. Please.

4 thoughts on “Metro Brass returns”

  1. Amen…. When the “big acts” have long since disappeared, local musicians will still be there – hopefully. The time put in to maintain skills, learn music, etc. takes time from other things – in some instances things like time with family, mowing the lawn, shopping, and other such things. For some folks it’s indeed a hobby, but for others it’s a component in paying the bills in concert with two (or more) other jobs. If folks want to have a consistent and affordable way to enjoy live music, then it’s necessary to provide the resources for it to thrive. Barbara’s insight and request are right on!

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