Mexican Food

Thursday, January 19, 2023

I went back to work today. Two things of note happened. Or maybe I noticed two things. One was a fashion I have not seen at the high school; it was new to me. Since there is no longer any kind of a dress code at school (if you can buy it, you can wear it), many, many, many of the kids wear hats all day. One kind of hat is a hockey hat, or maybe it is a hockey cap. It is a knit hat/cap with a big pompom on top. For the last several years, it has been the thing to keep the pompom balanced right on top of your head. Hockey boys are known for letting their hair grow long-ish, so there they were – pompom on top, puffs of hairs bursting out on the sides of the hat. It was so commonplace that I really stopped noticing. Today, there was a change. The pompom now gets pulled to the front, so it is on the cuff of the hat, right over the forehead (hair is still puffing out the sides). I had to walk down to my friend’s classroom to say, “You know this new hat look? In the future, when they see pictures of themselves from now, they are so going to regret this.” She said she has been telling them that exactly. They (of course) do not agree and couldn’t care less. I absolutely adored watching them strut into class every hour – so confident in their awesomeness. (There is never anything wrong with feeling awesome about yourself!!!)

The second thing was that I was inexplicably hungry. Oh. I guess I haven’t eaten much in the last two days. Duh. That is coming to me right now. Duh, again. Anyway, I brought my lunch (made last night) and finished it all by the end of prep second hour. That is not unusual. There usually isn’t much time during actually lunch 22 minutes to eat much. I eat early and then am not hungry at lunch. It works. Today, I was ravenous. Fifth and sixth hours we were watching McFarland USA, a feel-good movie about a cross country team in southern California in the 80s. Kevin Costner brings his family there because he can’t get a job anywhere else. It is a super poor town, filled with migrant workers primarily from Mexico. At one point, Kevin goes to a restaurant and doesn’t understand the choices – tacos, tortas, tostadas, burritos, quesadillas (he’s from MN…what do you expect?). The lady repeats the choices, and I realized my tummy was rumbling. The second time through the movie, I was dead set on eating Mexican food as soon as possible.

I got home at 3:00 and Keith was snowblowing the driveway. He came in and I suggested we go to Acapulco for dinner, now. He said sure, but he had a work thing to do first. I had to wait until 4:00! We discussed on the way that we have not been to this restaurant, which is very near our house in at least 15 years – for no reason that we could think of. I guess because we eat fast food Mexican often enough, we don’t think of going there. I had a burrito with cheese sauce on it – so good! Keith had three enchiladas – so good! It was not good value. We each could have eaten that much again. Keith’s was particularly small. Three six inch corn tortillas made into enchiladas for $15. No rice, no beans, just enchiladas. Mine was an 8 inch flour tortilla. Snip Snap Gone. We figured that is why we don’t eat there.

I took a lame picture of the food for the potd, but as we were walking out, I saw the real potd. You never know what it will be!