Sunday, January 12, 2025
We got up before sunrise, returned the car, saw the sun shine, and got on a plane.
We flew to Seattle. I watched Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Yesterday, and most of Angels and Demons. (While holding my phone, because there are no screens in seatbacks and there was not even a little ledge for your phone on either of today’s flights.)
It was dark when we arrived.
We ate at the food court, because Alaska Airlines doesn’t serve meals. Even on a 6-hour flight. Weird.
We flew to Minneapolis – 3 hours. The third person in Gary and Julie’s row missed their previous flight, so they had the row to themselves. Julie danced appropriately. I watched the rest of Angels and Demons and Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story. It was 3 degrees when we landed.

Alexander picked us up and we got home at 1:13am. Seriously, how did the day go so fast? Shouldn’t I have seen more movies?
I think I napped for an hour when we first took off, but still.
We are home safe and sound. A good time was had by me.
Welcome home! I so enjoyed reading about the adventures. Enjoy a day of rest!!
Glad you came along! I had book club at noon after Gary and Julie headed for home, then took a three hour nap. 🙂
What Carla said…..
Same to you as Carla – always glad to travel with you!! 🙂