Milwaukee is the frozen custard capital of the world. Frozen custard is made like ice cream, but everything I have read says frozen custard includes eggs yolks whereas ice cream doesn’t. I have a hard time believing a couple egg yolks makes all the difference. Frozen custard is soooo much better than ice cream. I didn’t grow up eating frozen custard, because although my hometown of Waukesha is pretty much a suburb of Milwaukee now, when I was a kid it was its own town – and we didn’t go to Milwaukee (I had been there – museum trips, zoo, County Stadium, etc). We certainly didn’t go driving in to Milwaukee for custard. I was introduced to custard by a friend in college – who insisted we drive to Milwaukee after a final (during May of our freshman year) to have custard at Gilles (which is the oldest custard stand in town – from 1938. I have never been there since that night), then drive back for another final the next morning (college students are stupid).

When my sister lived in Milwaukee, I was introduced to Kopp’s (since 1950). Kopp’s is my custard heaven. I love their burgers (there was a sad incident with the buns a few years ago – ack, terrible – and I had to stop eating burgers there. LUCKILY, someone figured it out and switched back to the original buns. Phew. My mom and I would always share a burger – they are big! – so we would have room for custard. There is often a thought that one could just have custard, but, mmm, no. The burgers cannot be denied). Kopp’s has terrific flavors – and reading the flavor forecast makes Keith and I wonder how big we would be if we lived in the area. Here is a list of what is coming – summer passion (passion fruit and peach), turtle sundae (caramel custard with pecans and caramel and fudge), grasshopper fudge, eclair affair (cookie dough custard, fudge, sponge cake, Bavarian creme), cookies and cream, Butterfinger, pralines&caramel&cream, red raspberry (the family favorite), banana walnut chocolate chunk, tiramasu, mango tango, butter pecan (my favorite), midnight chocolate cake, orange dream (so good!), maple syrup and pancakes….It’s a good thing we don’t live here!

Today we went with my sister, Benjamin and Sean. It was a smokin’, 90-degree+ day, and instead of sitting on not so shady picnic tables, we utilized stuff from the trunks to picnic out under a tree. We ate burgers, then sent Keith and Benjin in to get the custard. As they returned, the red velvet oreo custard was melting so fast, it was streaming on to the ground. Keith cleverly (and always) ordered his in a dish. It was delicious and hilarious. After wiping down with antiseptic wipes from the trunk, I went in to hose off in the bathroom. I had to clean my nose, mouth, and hair – since the breeze conveniently let me hair get into the process of eating. Dishes could have worked to everyone’s benefit.

We really like BOTH Kopps AND Leon’s. And we support the notion that custard is extremely special – but we still REALLLLLY like Moomers…. Less messy, for sure…
Quite honestly, I don’t think there is anything messier than that cone eating moment!