Mistakes were made

Friday, January 19, 2924

When we first trained in Portugal, we were early and had plenty of time to walk around the station. There wasn’t much there, and we walked around a few blocks, and there wasn’t much there. We walked back to our platform and across the tracks I saw a small grocery store I hadn’t noticed – because the train that had been in the way was no longer there. When we trained back, we got off on the grocery store side. We had to walk the length of the station to get there, but I was just going anyway, because I love grocery stores.

It was PACKED with shoppers. We went up an aisle, then retreated because 8 people were clustered at the end and there was no getting through. We went the opposite way and found a cooler with beverages. We got some for the hotel room. We zigzagged up two aisles to avoid congestion at end caps and found the treat aisle. I had actually just wanted to see Portuguese food, but snacks are really the best. I found digestives (an unfathomable name for cookies dipped in chocolate) for 84 cents. I found the actual cookies in the POTD for €1. We didn’t eat any of them before we left, because…I guess we weren’t hungry. Keith was probably full from custard tarts.

I unpacked them when we got home and they have been on the counter, unopened. When I opened them today, they were the ABSOLUTE BEST. There is a little layer of creamy white stuff between the fabulous chocolate and the delicious cookie. Why, why, why did I not throw away all my clothes and just bring a backpack full of them home?

4 thoughts on “Mistakes were made”

    1. So true! So true! Learning happens in many ways. I’m sure Barbara and I could eat a lot of these together 😁

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