More Decisons

The people we bought our house from lived here just short of two years. It was the 17th time they had moved during their marriage. His job was the culprit. They were kind enough to invite us over to show us around – primarily to give Keith tips on how to run the pool. We learned that the husband liked and didn’t like certain things. He changed all the doorknobs, outlet covers, and light switches to the oil rubbed bronze color because that is what he likes. And he knew he would only be here two-ish years. I have piles of stuff on the kitchen island that might have been there two years and I haven’t even noticed them yet.

One of the things he didn’t like were the pavers making a walkway along the side and in back of the garage. He said he tore them out, intending to replace them the summer we ended up buying the house – but he didn’t when he knew for sure they were moving. This is our fifth spring, and we have been getting along fine with just dirt. It’s not a great solution, but we (personally) really rarely walk that way -partly (probably mostly) because it is just dirt.

We got some bricks from our friends last fall, because they got a new house and they were getting rid of some bricks they didn’t care for (more location than optics, I think, but I am not actually sure). There were not enough bricks to do the whole walkway, so we planned to buy some more.

Then the sod thing happened. So, we zigged and decided to do a brick (I’m supposed to say pavers. They are pavers. I keep calling them bricks. Whatever) and sod hybrid. Let’s face it, hybrids are very popular right now.

Benjamin really helped carrying heavy things and digging. I was once again support personnel. I made waffles, handed Benjin pavers (PAVERS), and went and got the Jersey Mike’s (which I always call Jimmy John’s, but we don’t eat Jimmy John’s because Jimmy John shoots lions and elephants. I read it on the internet. Keith knows what I mean when I say Jimmy John’s, which is good because I always say it and never mean it). I was filthy and my hair was bad (BAD), but I figured whatever. I wore a hat. A hat which just made my hair stick out badly. It was so funny that I laughed out loud at myself twice. Then I didn’t care and went and got the sandwiches. (Me. Driving by myself. So unusual. Then we had to go to feed Alexander’s kitties because he is in Illinois and I drove Keith, because he was so whomped. SO unusual. Usually, the only time I drive him is if he had surgery and needs a ride home. He doesn’t have surgery very often, so, you get the picture.)

When I was thinking about it last night, today’s tasks didn’t seem too daunting. Man, doing stuff is so much harder than thinking about doing stuff. It’s not done. I think tomorrow is going to be another big day of doing. Benjin went home, so I will have to actually help. Keith is taking a serious downgrade in helper. Those 50 lb bags of leveling sand aren’t just going to appear like they did today. I should have had Benjin bring them closer while he was still here. Augh. Bad not planning!