Wednesday, September 13, 2023
I decided we should have another round of cul-de-sac pizza and put up a sign last week. I put it up on Thursday and asked for people to let us know by Monday afternoon if they were or weren’t coming by stopping over, texting, or calling. We contacted the family with kids to see if Wednesday worked for them, because they are sort of the stars of the group and it wouldn’t be much fun without them. They were in, so we knew someone would be coming. They are remodeling their main level and I figured if no one else came, we could make them dinner.
For a while, it seemed like no one else was coming, then at 5pm on Monday the doorbell and the phone rang. Two more yeses! The people on the corner could come and would like to bring her 90-year mother who is now living with them. Yes! The mom and 3-year-old across the street could come if they could bring the visiting parents. Yes!
No one else responded.
I guess let us know if you can come or if you can’t come might not be clear.
Okay, I’m just being bitchy now. Last time, a bunch of people who didn’t respond came out and joined us. It was great, but it was also crappy. I kinda wanted to say, “Did you not get a better offer, or what?” (OoooooOOoo now I sound really mean.) I didn’t feel upset at all, but I think if I am going to the effort to invite you, buy the groceries, make the dough, cut up and cook the veggies, get out chairs and tables and plates and cups and silverware and napkins, (I initially forgot the napkins, so I am mentioning that eventually I did get the napkins out there) they could at least say they were coming. Or at least they could say, “Hey! Is it okay if we join in?” – because they didn’t. And again, I was happy they came. I made extra. (Wow. Now I am sounding a bit like a sad sack. Mmm. I don’t think I was a sad sack of hoping people came to my party, but huh.) Anyway, last time I was concerned people might just show up and I made a lot of extra dough, and bought extra everything else. This time, since we were only 14 people, I moved the party to our deck. I moved it primarily because it is reallllly easier to make pizzas closer to the kitchen – and as I hoped – I got lots of company in the kitchen while I was making pizzas (my lovely assistant Ellie was helping me again). Secondly, no one else could just wander out and I didn’t have to make extra that I didn’t know if I would need. I did not put out a sign out in the street that said, “Sorry, you lose,” or anything. Didn’t even think of it…
It was a delightful time. I really enjoyed the 90-year-old mother. She was delightful. The visiting parents were pretty great, too! It started at 5-ish and they were all gone by 7. That is what I call a perfect weeknight activity – food, chatting, and plenty of time for TV!!!

After everyone went home, Ellie was practicing her trumpet on the front porch. She’s not very loud and the notes don’t last long, so it’s really okay for her to play outside. Keith went over and they sat together and played for a while. I literally could hear the improvement by the time he came home. How great is that?
And one more thing for Kristine. I have been remembering every day that I promised a picture of the crazy shirt we went to Disney Springs to buy Keith, but somehow never have gotten it included. I was so glad to see Keith wearing it today. There it is!

That’s a very cool shirt.
I agree. Well worth the trip to Disney Springs!
Perfect. Thank you. I love it. Sorry I am a little behind on potd.
No reason to be sorry! I’m glad I finally got a picture 😁