Wednesday, April 10, 2024
We thought we’d be on the road home today. We are so silly.
The shower valve was 1/16″ too short because of thick tile. It needed an extender from the plumbing store. The plumbing store was in a giant building without labels on doors. Eventually Keith found someone to take him to the right place. After installing the dealies, he removed the plug in the shower and it started spraying everywhere. Turns out the handle was backwards.
Caulking wavy tiles is hard. And takes a long time.
Installing the sink meant a trip to Menards for hoses was expected. Going back for a drain extender was not.
The shower doors instructions are (seemingly) for another version of the product and were incomplete and incorrect, They are not installed yet, even though Keith and Benjamin got to Menards with 90 seconds to spare in order to buy a correctly sized tile drill bit. Funny thing, that size was wrong, too (would’ve been nice to have the manual actually say the correct size needed).
The rubber gaskets from the toilet dried out while the toilet has been out, and they cracked after reinstallation. Water leaked all over. New gaskets were purchased.
I learned that if you don’t put a lid on the pan, water will literally never boil on the stove here. I waited 45 minutes. Sean came down and said it needed a hat. It boiled in two more minutes.
Sean got up at 2:45am today to go on a birding adventure to see prairie chickens. Benjamin and I were still up when she got up, because we were watching the entire season of The Floor. It’s a game! Luckily, Keith slept through it all.
The prairie chickens were awesome.

It sounds like Murphy’s Law is alive and well. But I have to say, the work that’s completed so far looks gorgeous!
We agree. And hopefully we will only remember the end result