New career?

This is Sophie. She has apparently melted onto the top of this chair, having a most delicious nap. She was not bothered at all by my wandering around – not even by my running a vacuum cleaner. I was babysitting her. She is my grandkitten. (Keith is not sure it is okay for me to call him her grampa, but I do.) I was also babysitting her brother, Colby. He was helping. He is a helper. Alexander says he is a trouble. Sometimes those two things are very similar.

Sophie and Colby live in a very fuzzy house of their own design. As I am allergic to the fuzzy, I like to remove it from their house. I have noticed I have great interest in cleaning up their house and organizing their stuff. I do not have this interest in my own house. I believe I should become a professional organizer. I would be really, really good at it. And I like doing it. And people I helped would be happy.

It is always good to have new ideas.

6 thoughts on “New career?”

  1. Organising cupboards, wardrobes, houses seems to be all the rage here. I’m sure it is in America too. Yet another string to your bow. 😃

  2. We have five grand-cats and are so happy to have updates from them as Face Book pictures – they live in Texas.

    1. We have four – Sophie, Colby, Eggs, and Oats. Alexander sends me pictures almost everyday, which I greatly appreciate. Sophie and Colby lived here when they were babies – the idea was they were Alexander’s family, because if he grew up and moved away, who would be here when we went traveling. Then he grew up and moved away and took them with him!! 🙂 Eggy and Oats are in Madison; we don’t see as much of them, but like to!

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