Last summer, we went to an outdoor concert in Stillwater. As we waited for the show to start, I was watching people coming in. Our friends were playing and I always hope and hope and hope for a big audience turn-out. I saw a man I instantly recognized even though it has been a few years since I have seen him. It was Mr. B, Benjamin’s 5th grade (starting) band director. I have no opinion, because he was never my band director, but Mr. B is who you want to start your kid on an instrument – Benjamin worshipped him. Benjamin took to playing trumpet like crazy and it had NOTHING to do with his father – it was all Mr. B. Mr. B retired after Benjamin’s first year and there was darkness upon the land. I ran into him several times at Woodbury Middle, as he helped with beginner lessons and subbed when needed.
I whispered to Keith who it was. It was definitely like a celebrity sighting, and I was playing it cool. Keith was not cool at all! He got right up and walked over to him. He said, “Hello. You’re Mr. B, right?” Mr. B nodded his head (and I thought OH NO!) and said, “Please don’t tell me I started you on an instrument! I don’t think I’m that old!” Indeed not, but he did remember Benjamin. I sent a picture of Mr. B taken from behind and way to the side to Benjamin and he identified him immediately.
As Keith and Mr. B talked, Mr. B told him his dad had had a big band back in the day – called Sentimental Journey – up in the Iron Range. Mr. B had all of the music – and it was quite a lot (about 750 songs). He wondered if Keith could help find a new home for it. Keith instantly said he could – but didn’t quite instantly do anything about it.
Today was the day. He went back to Stillwater and picked up lots of boxes of music. After Hours Big Band will gain some, the Dean’s List – a dance band in western Wisconsin, and UW-River Falls will likely all get a share. Charmingly, there is a typed (on a typewriter typed) list of all of the songs. Keith has been reading and re-reading the list and singing all of the songs (except for the quick stop “I don’t know this one” exclamations). Mr. B really wanted to be able to donate it to someone who can use it. We will make sure that happens.
Oh, wait, there’s more. In the time since I wrote this, Keith found the pictured cards from proms 1969 and 1970. I think these are dance cards? They’re pocket-sized and the tiny dotted lines don’t line up with the songs – they make lines across the page. Anyone out there go to prom in that time frame? Could that be it? I think they’re great. History, falling out of a box at our house.

** Health update – I’m up, sitting in a chair, feeling really crummy. I let the Tylenol lapse, because I was “all better”, and that let me know I am not all better. Tomorrow will be better – hopefully all better!
Very cool! Nice to see old charts find new homes and GET PLAYED! Sure hope you feel way, way better on the morrow. The heck with the morrow – how about NOW!??!
Woke up feeling well this morning. Funny how you think you are doing so much better, then when you are all better, you realize you really weren’t better. So many betters 🙂
Do hope you are a lot better now. I have been very lucky… 4 jabs & no after effects at all. Look after yourself. X