New Toy

We got an air fryer. I know, everyone else already has one. I figured we were too old to need another way to cook, so we didn’t have one. But, we were at Sam’s Club last week and they had one on sale (SAVING! I love saving!) (Yes, not buying one is more saving. I know that. But there is no new stuff excitement with not buying one). I parked Keith by it and told him to research – was it a good one, was it a good price? I said I would spin through the fruit/veg cold room and be right back. I was still hunting mushrooms (None! What is that?) when he showed up. He reported it was a good one and it was a good price. We should get it. I looked around him. “Where is it?” “Oh.” He went back and got it. I said I should have been sneaky and gotten it for him for his birthday. He looooooves kitchen stuff. He really would have liked if I had gotten it for his birthday. I said, “Look over there,” and put green beans on top of it. It would definitely be a surprise now.

He carried it in (I forgot about the surprise) and set it on the floor in the kitchen. It was still there the next day, so I hid it upstairs. There is a strong likelihood he would forget about it by his birthday (two weeks). He would (assumedly) remember it when he opened it (wrapped in the finest blanket from the couch) (I have a thing about waste) (this year I held the entirety of our Christmas wrapping waste in one hand. I was very proud). All was going well until Friday when I suggested we have frozen (but cooked by us) fish for dinner. We buy such items for Keith to have for lunch, because he doesn’t sandwich, but I was really feeling like having it for dinner. He got out the package and started to read.

“There are air fryer instructions!! We have an air fryer!!”

Busted. I tried saying, “No, we don’t,” but it was no use. I sent him up to find it, secreted in Benjamin’s (he never lived here) bedroom. He found it (very inconspicuously sitting there with a box top sitting on it) (I assumed he wouldn’t go in there during the next two weeks). We cooked the fish and it was great! So crunchy. And fast.

Now, every day we think about what we can air fry. We’ve made chicken several times, and something else I forgot, and tried pork chops tonight. We consulted the internet, which provided us with a recipe called Air Fryer Pork Chops. Clever name. They were good. Keith also found a recipe for bacon wrapped tater tot nachos. It doesn’t sound like a dinner, but if you make enough….

2 thoughts on “New Toy”

  1. Maybe an instapot for Keith’s birthday because everybody else (except us) also has one of those already.

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