Friday, December 29, 2023
When we stopped in Madison last week, Keith’s sister asked if we knew that their niece Samantha (and wife and daughter) had moved to Minneapolis from Madison the day before.
What? No! That was news. I instantly knew that of course she had applied for a job, and weighed the pros and cons of moving, made lots of decisions, and then moved, but I also felt like she JUST MOVED. Bam! Moved. To Minneapolis. Wow. We have local relatives now. Wow.
Keith’s sister drove her two daughters up today so they could fly home to Seattle from our airport (most cost-effective way at this particular time). They were going to visit the newly moved cousin and we invited ourselves along. They have a corner apartment on Lake Street with great windows. I always think I want to live in an apartment, because…well…because I am dumb, I guess. I look at cool looking buildings and think about my cool apartment and how cool everything will be – then I remember about small spaces and not pools and not enough rooms and having to carry groceries and limited parking and trumpet playing and do not want to live in an apartment. Until the next time I see a cool apartment building. It happens pretty often. I do not learn.
They haven’t found any glasses to unpack yet except their planet glasses. They were lined up on the counter and I thought they were art – and I guess they really are. We drank out of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune…but the inner planets and little Pluto are still there. I loved the star on their Christmas tree – a Mario star. Clever and cute! Keith’s sister went into the kitchen and gave a little shriek. She called out to me to be aware that they have a snake in the kitchen. She thought it was in crockpot, or at least it might be in the crockpot, which was sitting on the counter, and that is what startled her. Obviously, she thinks like I do. Turns out the big black box you can see in the potd is the snake box. The idea is that he will not always live in the kitchen, but things have not been arranged yet. I will be aware when I am there again. Keith told them about the Snake Discovery place (Snake Escape!) and they said they would check it out when it was time to feed the snake.

We got to see all the Thompson nieces in one place which was pretty great. I look forward to getting to know Samantha and her family more, because local relatives!