Monday, January 29, 2024
I debated not putting out my snowman stuff, because winter seems to have ended already (without ever really starting) and we are going away for a couple weeks, so we won’t be here to enjoy them anyway. Keith and I went for a walk this afternoon because it was 49 degrees. (My friend had to cancel a visit, so I made Keith walk instead.) I decided that there aren’t that many snowmen and they might be sad if they didn’t come out for a while.
This potd guy was the first one out of the box. He sings about weather being frightful. His mouth moves and he dances a little. The first time my sister saw him (oh, so many years ago) she squinted at him, put her finger in his mouth while he was singing, and said, “He doesn’t have any teeth.”
My reaction? “Huh. He doesn’t. I never noticed.” Then, “Wait. Why would he have teeth?”
“I don’t know. But he doesn’t. Doesn’t he look funny without teeth?”
“Wouldn’t he look funny with teeth?”
“I don’t know, but he doesn’t have any.”
I cannot think of anything else when I see him. I send pictures of him to the children and they respond, “No teeth.”
We have a lot of traditions.
I think that she saw the Rudolph Christmas special with Burl Ives. There’s a snowman monster of some kind that somehow loses all of his teeth. I can only remember that much – no details. One of Santa’s elves wants to become a dentist and plays into that storyline somehow.
The Bumble! In all of these years, I have never thought of the Bumble. But, seriously, if you don’t know every moment of Rudolph, you probably need to put that on your to do list for next December

Okay, I need to know the destination of the upcoming trip. I can ignore it for a day, but now I need to know.