Sunday, December 1. 2024
It’s time for our holly, jolly participation in the POTD! The theme of day two is Happiness! Take a picture inspired by something that makes you happy and send it to me – text or email – or [email protected] by 10pm December 2 and it will be in that day’s blog. If you want to remain anonymous, let me know – otherwise I will give you credit. You don’t have to play every day – any day or every day is fine! We will count down the days to Christmas together!
We left Waukesha in time to get to Chippewa Falls, WI, (no time to stop! Just go!) to our friend Mike’s band concert. He arranged two tunes and I particularly wanted to hear his I Heard the Bells. The idea behind the arrangement is that you go to sleep and start dreaming of Christmas songs with bells – it goes from one song to another quickly and without rhyme or reason, as dreams go. The songs start changing faster and faster and get a little mixedy. I thought it was great to listen to and funny to imagine. Well done, Mike.
Our friends, Tom and Louise, drove over because Louise’s cousin is also in the band. We went out to an early dinner after the concert at Wissota High Shores supper club. You may remember it is the great place with the salad bar. I had a raspberry brandy old-fashioned! Who even knew that existed? Keith loves the weird green stuff on the salad bar. It looks kinda like a jello salad with marshmallows. I have never tried it, but Tom, Louise, and Mike all gave it a good review, so I tried it. It has a certain elastic-ness to it that makes it sort of fun to eat. I thought it tasted almondy and I love almondy. I went back for seconds.
We were home by 8pm and decided sitting on the couch watching a ridiculous Christmas movie was the best use of our time. We are silly!
I only got a few entries in our participation picture activity. Thank you to Jerry, Benjamin, and Alexander.

The Thompson-made Advent Calendar is a hit at our house! It’s going to be Christmas every day for WEEKS!!!