Northwinds Brass Band

Thursday, June 8, 2023

After a day in and by the pool with my friend, Christina, Keith and I headed to Clear Lake to listen to the Northwinds Brass Band. Our friend, Mike, plays in the band. The band was actually set up on the street just down from their house. We wondered where Mary was – couldn’t spot her in the sea of chairs set up in front of the band (but not close to the band, because the high school pep band played first and when they vacated their space, it left a big gap in front of the band. I considered just going up after the first song and plopping my chair down, but the sound was good where we were, so I stayed put).

At the end of the concert, I spotted Mary. She had been listening from the comfort of her front porch because their dog doesn’t like big sounds and she was keeping her safe from the noisy band. I saw her with the dog during the encore and I tried to point them out to Keith.

“There’s Mary and ….” Nothing came to my mind. What was the dog’s name? Lola? Hetty? Rawhide? Those were the first choices that came to my mind. Keith said, “What?” I thought about how ridiculous those choices were and I started to laugh. And laugh and laugh and laugh. Keith said, “Say what you said again.” I tried. I really tried. I got out, “Lo….la.” The I laughed. “Hettttttttie.” Try as I might, I could not say Rawhide and I kept thinking it’s not Rawhide…is it? I finally giggled it out, “Rawhide.”

Keith just looked at me. “What are we talking about?”

That set me off again. It is so good to laugh so hard. I finally told him I was trying to remember the dog’s name. He just looked at me and said, “Alma.”

See? I knew it wasn’t Rawhide.