Monday, May 27, 2024
We were only gone 56 hours, but it felt like a great vacation. We had fun driving time with Alexander, water park time with Alexander, and dinner time with Alexander, then a whole second vacation with Maren and family. The rain stopped today and we were able to get outside to a few outdoor slides. While the sun was lovely, the temperature was about 60 degrees while we were out there and that is brisk when you are wet. We got to two of the outdoor parks, but missed the third one. Next time…

We enjoyed more indoor sliding (there are also three indoor water parks) after that. Many people had left – yesterday was SO crowded – and that made it more fun. Our favorite slide was called a “high thrill ride” and that label didn’t matter to any of us. How high thrill can a water slide be?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Really quite high, it turns out.
The raft was square and for four people. We zoomed down a big tube, then fell off a cliff. Fell. Off. A. Cliff. Just down. Like in a cartoon. Then you zoom in a U shape, back and forth, as you gradually lose momentum. It was crazy scary and crazy fun. I thought for a moment after we fell off the cliff that I broke my neck – but it was only momentary. I recovered by the time the ride was done – but I thought it was prudent not to ride again. And honestly, while I think I could do it again, when I get close to the front of the line again someday, I’m not sure I will be able to do it, knowing the cliff looms.

Mollie is the champion water park goer! She rode the most, waved the most (and was best at it. She would get spooshed by a wave and pop up with eyes open and smile on her face every time), braved the cold the longest, and smiled every minute of both days.

The last five dollars of Moose Bucks went to the shake, as promised.

Maren and I got some chatting time in while the kids were sliding, then I was sliding too. I hopped through several iterations of waves in the wave pool and stood under the 1000 gallons of water bucket as it spilled a number of times. When I got out of the car after the drive home, I was pretty creaky. Muscles that are not usually used were definitely used. If I water parked every day, I would be in better shape. And I would probably sleep better, too. Water parks for better health! You heard it here first.