Nothing to do

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

After we finished work today, we had nothing we had to do. Nowhere to go (Wait! I stopped at the grocery store to pick up pimentos for dinner. Not going straight home for a nap was heroic. I get credit for that) and nothing to do! So, we got a few things done around the house. I sent out messages to people about Keith’s concert next Friday night. We are not very good advertisers. Keith has worked so hard on the arrangements and on getting rehearsals scheduled and all the stuff. He is excited for the show, and so am I.

We took care of some insurance stuff and doctor stuff and email stuff and plans-for-the-future stuff. We did laundry and dishes. I walked in a circle for 30 minutes because my heart was happy today. I read four chapters of a book I borrowed from a stranger at the middle school today. I told her I would bring it back next week when I am subbing there again, so it has a timeline.

I’m feeling pretty happy about just taking care of stuff. Yay.

My brother had his hip replaced today. He’s in for the night and will be let loose to start healing tomorrow. Here’s hoping his recovery is as good as some others I have heard of! Yay new hip.

5 thoughts on “Nothing to do”

  1. I like to ask others what they are reading. When we were in Colorado, Holly’s dad told me he was reading a totally “trashy” novel. I asked for details and now I’m all in. Scott is typically a nonfiction reader and I think his definition of “trashy” is pretty close to my definition of “intriguing.” 👍👍

    1. I love that! I got Funny Story by Emily Henry yesterday. It is on my libby holds list – someone (who? I have no idea) recommended it and other Emily Henry books, and there were long waits. I commented that at school and the book owner who was loaning a stack to someone else offered it to me. It’s straight chick lit – which is just what I am in the mood for.

  2. I’ve been on an Isaac Asimov tear of late. I’m currently reading his very first novel, “Nightfall.” Over the last few months I read his “Foundation” series and his “Robot” series. This much reading is actually unusual for me. Barbara (Young) is always reading all manner of stuff. Maybe this will become a new habit for me…

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