Monday, February 12, 2024
It’s Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. Remember when that was a holiday? Back in elementary school, I had my birthday, Lincoln’s birthday, Valentine’s Day, and Washington’s birthday. There were so many celebrations and cards to make and treats to eat. February was definitely the best month. My mom would make a Lincoln “log” (a rolled chocolate cake – like a giant swiss cake roll) and a cherry pie for Washington. We had heart shaped cookies for Valentine’s Day and an angel food cake with whipped cream for my birthday. Ooooh, those are good memories. Did you know Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day? Not just February 12, but on the actual same day – February 12, 1809 – two hundred fifteen years ago today. I’ve always thought that was very interesting.
Today I woke up to an earthquake warning on my phone. That was certainly a first. The 5.5 earthquake happened at 12:42am 109 miles away. I looked up what 5.5 meant. The internet said that a 5.0 is unmistakable as an earthquake, that can rattle dishes, break windows, and rock cars. The first advice it gave me was to put on my shoes, even to go to the next room. My shoes were in the next room! I will put them next to my bed tonight (right now they are on my feet, even though I am inside. How unMinnesotan). I saw a sign yesterday on our street that said Tsunami zone Run Away (or something like that). I didn’t think much of it. I guess I thought “huh. Interesting,” but nothing more – I certainly had no concerns.

I sat on the balcony and looked across to the ocean this afternoon, trying to imagine a 60-foot wall of water coming my way. I couldn’t do it. I’m no better at imagining tsunamis than I am imagining bears eating me. So, today’s potd is from our balcony. Imagine water coming at me. Also imagine a nice table and that we ate lunch there (SANDWICHES) today. The weather has been wonderful. It was cool enough for me to slip on my puffy coat to go grocery shopping last night (8pm) (for sandwich ingredients) (I actually brought my own low carb bread from home, because I am a little nuts), yet warm enough for shorts and no sleeves in the sun today. I love cool nights and warms days! We walked the pier downtown and enjoyed the sea breeze and the waves and warm. Even if has not really been winter this year, this is nicer.

We went to Top Gun house. It is the “last best” example of a Queen Anne cottage in the area and was built in 1887. It was Kelly McGillis’ character Charlie’s house in the 1986 movie. Now it is a hand-pie store. I don’t think hand-pies have anything to do with Top Gun, but maybe they do. They come in blueberry, cherry, and apple. The cherry were best (unless you are Keith, who thought the blueberry were best). They were tasty little items, and it was fun to see the house – tucked in between big seaside resorts. I’m glad it was saved by the historic house saving people.