Off the couch

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

I was up and off the couch doing something today. I thoroughly enjoyed the complete sloth I participated in last week, but school started up after a week and a day of spring break (whoever decided to add a day to spring break is BRILLIANT), I was back at work today. I was lucky to go back to my favorite place – 7th grade science at Woodbury Middle. This teacher is super organized, and everything runs so smoothly. There was time built into the day to share spring break stories, and apparently the searching for caiman makes a good story.

I stopped at high school because the teacher that was doing chemo that I worked for in the fall was back to school today and I could NOT drive by without stopping to give her a hug. I think I need to remember to keep stopping in as well as sending notes, because after you go through that physical hell and come back (to a nice little bit of fanfare, I hope) (she said everyone was very kind and excited and the day went well), after a little while things are going back to ordinary, but you’ve still been through hell. Maybe you just bounce back into regular, but no one is going to mind a little extra attention.

I told Keith it was too late for a nap when I got home at 4:00. He was working really hard on something tough at work and went back to it, leaving me to read on the blue chairs. When I woke up, it was 5:15 and he was still upstairs. I figured he was sleeping, because that is the thing in this house. When he came down at 6:30, he had been working! He was working when I left at 7am. Everybody was off the couch and doing something today!

Then we cooked dinner. I was frying tortillas and the oil was popping! splattering! making a total mess! The end result was tasty, though.

2 thoughts on “Off the couch”

  1. Everything is better fried in oil. It’s just a basic law…. Hope the cause of all the work for Keith has resolved itself!

    1. Frying is so tasty! Keith finally finished what he thought would take an hour at the end of today – better than still having it a problem

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