Out and about and Covid

Sunday, November 20, 2022

We had to check out of our comfy hotel room. Bye comfy hotel room. We killed time at the mall looking at Christmas bits until it was time to go to the church for the second concert of the weekend. This one was a choir concert with tiny orchestra accompaniment. Call time was an hour before the concert, and everyone but Keith arrived in concert dress. I thought he was extra cute in his Star Wars hoodie when everyone else was in tuxes or dresses. After I had written last night, he told me that because of the small group that played the Mozart piece, he was at the front of the stage – different than the usual chamber set up. He said he was very near the audience and that the man seated most closely to him was asleep and snoring quietly. During the pauses in the music, Keith could hear him very clearly – and the urge to laugh made it very hard to play the trumpet. Teehee.

After the concert, we read a message from Alexander that he had relapsed. He boostered Thursday, was sick Friday, better at 1am, out and about to a movie and for pizza, home for a nap, then woke up SICK. Fever, chills, aches, runny nose, sore throat and just feeling AWFUL. He said it took him 5 hours to be able to get up and get to the Ibuprofen because he felt that horrible. No matter how old your kids are, THAT WILL KILL YOU. He asked us to bring a COVID test and kitty food.

We stopped at Menards for kitty food, and bought some candy, too. Then we went to Walgreens and got some tests. We brought Rocky Rococo’s pizza for Alexander. He had a few bites, then did the test.



It is the first positive test I’ve ever seen. It was kind of exciting. And then again, not at all. We finished loading his dishwasher and taking out his recycling, made sure the water and ibuprofen was near, and left him. That was hard. But at least we are near now – we can get there quickly if he needs us (again).

6 thoughts on “Out and about and Covid”

  1. Sorry to hear about Alexander catching COVID. I thought I’d read recently that he had an injection too. Bad luck. Hope he is better soon.
    I agree….it doesn’t matter how old your children are you still worry about them.
    Pleased the weekend went well. šŸ™‚

    1. Yes, he just got his booster Thursday! Apparently he had already been exposed and was on his way to being sick, because the booster cannot cause a positive test. I am hoping his symptoms will be brief and he will be better soon.

  2. Hope Alexander feels better soon!

    The church looks beautiful–looks like they’ve spiffed it up some since the last time we saw it.

    Even considering that it was Mozart and that Keith’s playing is always tasteful, wouldn’t you think being seated near a trumpet would keep you awake? That audience member must have been really tired!

    1. I did have that same thought. I will admit I don’t even hear him practice in the next room, but I have 40 years of practice not noticing…

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