
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sean painted the bathroom today. Keith was delighted to hand off a job. He started working on the tile on the back wall and it did not go well at first. The tile is 2″x8″ and the idea is to install it vertically. Keith researched the best mortar for installing vertical tile and got the “guaranteed not to let the tiles slide” kind. You know where this is going, right? The tiles slid.

It took him a while to figure out what to do, but he got it going. Unfortunately, time passed while that was happening and he decided it was too late to use the tile saw, so not much got done. Keith is very careful never to disturb neighbors, which is another nice feature of his.

He’s back at computer work as I write this – jumping into a call to help someone out. Then he’s going to practice his trumpet, because there’s an important rehearsal next week that he has to be in shape for ( he’s been practicing every night – with a practice mute, so no noise. I mentioned it now because he should get credit for always doing everything). He’s the best.