
People came! It was so exciting.

I tidied up. That felt good. (I am very motivated – I am only motivated by people coming over. That hasn’t worked much for the past two years. Sadly, after people come a few times, I get over that and then I’m like…it’s just these friends, or just these relatives, and then there isn’t much effort. Alexander commented when he was about 8 that maybe we should get more people who aren’t just…)

We cooked foods and played games. It was like old life. Yay.

We played Clue. At my mom’s house, in our original to my life Clue game, we have a piece of paper that lists every Clue game ever played on that board. I think it starts in 1972…but maybe even earlier. It lists the stats – who did it (Colonel Mustard must not be trusted), with what, where, plus who won the game and the date. It is great to see old friends and neighbors’ names on the list, but even better to see your own. What absolutely boggles my mind every single time we play is that there are years long gaps without playing. We are a games family. How did we go two years without playing Clue? Also, there is an * on one game that says Michael protested. It was in the early 90s and we haven’t let him forget it yet. I don’t have any idea what he protested about, but Michael protested is a thing.

Tonight, we added an * to our game (which has a list of 34 games since 1986 – the year we got married). I guessed Col. Mustard (trusted nowhere, obviously), the knife, in the study and it went around with no takers. I was pretty sure of the knife, had it between the Colonel and Mr. Green, and no idea what room it was, so I was playing no strategy, just looking for answers. Mmm. Well, I didn’t have any, so that was the answer, but game rules said I couldn’t guess. Michael (of protesting fame) was next and tried the same combo, flushing out the fact that I had nothing held back. He couldn’t guess, so we looked to Emma for the win. She hadn’t been paying attention, intent on her strategy and thought Michael was hiding something. Levi, who had spent 4 turns trying to get from the dining room to the hall earlier, made the guess and won. We asterisked that Emma could have won. 🙂 (Donna could have won, too, because she had all the right answers circled in her notebook, but wasn’t sure why, because she was sure she hadn’t seen everything else. Also, it wasn’t her turn yet.)

I like when there are games. I have been accused of making everything into a game. That is probably true.

6 thoughts on “People!!”

  1. Your sister Nancy

    The first entry is dated October 22, (73 in very small numbers)—Colonel Mustard (aha!) with the Lead Pipe in the Ballroom. Dennis won. The last entry is January 21, 2019 (a sad day)—Colonel Mustard (aha!) with the Wrench in the Conservation (that’s what it says), won by Levi with an asterisk! *Mason concealed evidence

  2. I remember that first game where we recorded the results and the clever sleuth that solved it. I have no idea why.

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