People in Wales give you candy

Happy St. David’s Day! St. David is the patron saint of Wales and today is his day. Around a long, long time ago, St. David had a good idea when the Welsh were fighting the Saxons and suggested the Welsh wear a leek so they could tell the good guys from the bad guys. They won the battle (I assume the point was they knew who to go after) and the leek became a symbol of St. David. We wandered down the street today and found the Everything Wales shop open and went in. I was wanting a souvenir and the very first thing I saw was a stuffie leek. How absolutely perfect. The ladies in the shop told us our accents were quite exotic for Treorchy (and guessed we were from Canada). I. Am. Exotic. Been living off that all day.

We WENT (I always just go, but Keith went instead of playing) to a Cory band concert tonight. It was at Llandaff Cathedral and it was in honor of a gentleman named Ian Williams who played principal cornet for Cory for 20 years. He passed away four years ago today. The regular band was joined by several extra players who had played with Ian, as well as the Pendyrus Men’s Choir. The band and choir each performed independently as well as together. The best part was when the organ kicked in. ORGAN. So great.

The chairs were very, very, very hard. And narrow. But the music was good enough not to focus on the uncomfortable seats. We were early, as we rode with Gwyn, and his wife, Helen, and Gwyn had the programs. Programs are handed out for an optional donation, which is different from at home. We sat with Helen, as Gwyn was busy doing band things. A lady in front of Helen introduced herself as someone Helen had known as a young girl 30+ years ago and there was some catching up. The lady with that lady had two bags of candy and was passing it out. I was happy to try Hob Nobs and fruit pastilles. (This was convenient since one of my buddies from rehearsal who is always giving me candy sat next to Keith and said, uh oh, no candy tonight. I must look like someone who needs candy. I understand that.)


Helen chatted with the lady seated next to her and heard an amusing story. As Philip came in to start the concert, the lady said, “OH NO.” Helen asked what was wrong and the lady said, “We went to dinner before the concert and I asked a waiter how much longer it might be for a table. That’s the waiter! I thought the conductor was a waiter!!”

Neil brought Keith a lovely Cory band jacket and tie. Prizes!! How cool is that? I was very touched. I bet it was Neil’s idea, because he is the nicest, nicest person. I cannot possible explain how he just pops up with this marvelous smile and says, “Alright? (that seems to be Welsh for hello) and it just makes my day. His boys were at the concert and I had a perfect view of them during the first half and cuter kids there are not.

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