Pigs and Potatoes

Monday, January 15, 2024

Keith is good at a lot of things. One thing that most people do not know he excels at is guessing the weight of pigs.

Didn’t see that one coming, did you? But it’s true. It somehow came up in conversation before he ever demonstrated it in person – which makes sense, I guess, because pig weight guessing has a pretty small window of opportunity. He told me pigs could weigh over 1000 pounds and I was all like…no, no they don’t. He waved his arms in the air and promised that 1000-pound pigs could be this big. I said, “That is the size of a couch,” to which he agreed. Hence, the term couch pig has been a regular part of our vernacular for 40 years. He has regularly demonstrated his bizarre ability to look at a couch pig at the fair and guess its weight within 2 or 3 pounds. TWO or THREE pounds. It’s weird and fun.

Today at lunch, I decided we were having baked potatoes, because we have potatoes and almost nothing else. Not going out into today’s very cold seemed like an important part of the day. I got the bag of potatoes out and dumped them on the counter. There were two giant potatoes that seemed like they wanted to be meals. I held up one of them and said, “Guess how much this potato weighs.” With one second of consideration, he said, “A pound and three ounces.” It weighed a pound, three and 1/4 ounces. I call that a win.

So, pigs AND potatoes. What else will we find out someday?

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