Saturday, April 13, 2024
I picked up some [day old] bread from Milios sandwich shop on Thursday before we left Madison. Benjamin mentioned that it makes a great po’ boy sandwich. We were going to make them for dinner last night, but then a nap got in the way. We made shrimp po’ boys and they were great. I made a remoulade from some internet advice, and then we just started adding things until we thought it tasted right. Alexander came to do taxes and have lunch and lingered through the afternoon.
This has nothing to do with anything else, but I wanted to mention that after all the mortaring and grouting Keith no longer has fingerprints. Or at least none of the electronic things that can usually be opened with a fingerprint work anymore. Interesting…
I saw a turkey out beyond the pool (turkey in the straw has been going through my head ever since). We all stood outside watching him go back and forth in the yard for quite a while. It was a glorious day – nearly 80 degrees – and we got hot standing out there. We were pondering how a turkey gets in the fenced backyard, amidst so many other fenced backyards, in the middle of suburbia. We wondered if we should leave the gates open for him to leave (or his friends to come in – Alexander suggested) when he just hopped up onto the fence, then into the neighbors’ yard. Nature time was over. Bye turkey.

We went back to the Phipps tonight for a cabaret show – just a singer and a piano player/singer. It was a love song show. The black box theater is fairly small, as they are, and it is a nice atmosphere for a small show like that. There is no program, and it is such fun to have it unfold during the evening. Just yesterday, I said to Keith that I had heard a song I really liked that I had forgotten about, and I wondered how many songs I have forgotten that I would say, “I love this song!” if I heard it. So many songs! And there are only so many notes. It is mystifying how there are so many songs, isn’t it? Anyway, as the show went on tonight the songs got newer and newer. I didn’t really notice that until they got to some 70s tunes – which I thought of as new. NEW! What year do I think it is? When we got in the car, I had a text from Maren that she and her daughter were watching the original Footloose. She commented that 1984 was an interesting time. I mathed it up – 40 years ago!! I suggested thinking about the people in 1984 thinking back forty years to 1944 – they would DEFINITELY have thought those were different times. I did forget for a second that I was not alive in 1944 – that is just history knowledge – so that was nice to remember. We had definitely just been listening to songs written at that time and before. I wonder if “kids today” will know “old” movies and music like we do. There is so much content out there that I doubt they are interested in watching a black and white movie made 60-70-80 years ago. Maybe.
Turkeys can fly. They spend the night roosting in trees.
So many songs!
They roost in trees! I had no idea. I knew they were not flightless, because that would be a trivia answer, but roost in trees! Now I need to track some nighttime turkeys…