Rehearsal cupcakes

Quite a many years ago I got a cupcake cookbook for Christmas. I decided to make a different cupcake every week for brass band rehearsal. I made over 40 different cupcakes over the two years I did it. During that baking/learning process was the first time I ever wrote in a book – I am still delighted when I read my notes – this makes more than you think it will and THIS IS SO GOOD – and tips on adding or subtracting ingredients and baking longer or shorter.

Since we (Keith) are back to Sheldon Theater Brass Band tomorrow, I felt cupcakes were in order. And obviously they had to give a nod to Wales. I decided I would pipe daffodils. I haven’t piped anything for a while, which made it trickier than it used to be, and I decided to use a really tasty buttercream (heavy on the butter) rather than an icing, which made it extra, extra tricky. The thing about brass banders (okay, only the ones in STBB, because I haven’t tried any other brass banders)(I did seriously want to make cupcakes for Cory, but had no tins, or mixer, or oven…so….no) is that they are delighted when someone brings treats and never complain about odd appearances.

Today was Welsh Regionals, and Cory took first place. Congratulations to the women and men of the band – they dedicate an overwhelming amount of time to rehearsals and deserve all the prizes that come their way! Gwyn very deservedly received a lifetime achievement award – Congratulations Gwyn. (I don’t think he knows we have a blog, so he won’t know we are all thinking of him, but we are!)

6 thoughts on “Rehearsal cupcakes”

  1. Love the cup cakes and a nod to Wales is appreciated
    Well done to Cory and super achievement for Gwyn.
    The food you are not only sounds good but looks fab as well. X

  2. Those lucky STBB folks! This is one of those “make your tongue so happy it’ll slap your brains out” – more butter is ALWAYS good…. I’m sure nothing will be left to take home.

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