Romeo and Juliet

Sunday, February 23, 2025

We went to the Collide dance company’s production of Romeo and Juliet today. Dance stories are just so cool. It was a steam punk version and the costumes were wonderful. A woman new to the company was Juliet and she is really, really good at standing on her toes. Favorite guy was Romeo – good as expected. There was a nice surprise that previous-favorite-guy was there playing Paris. He has been gone all season. I inspected the program for the first show of the season last fall for information about where he went and if he was coming back and what was the whole story? There was nothing. Very unsatisfying. Today he was back, and I was very glad. He is a really good dancer. He does not ever dance on his toes, though.

Keith had my phone in his pocket, because I had nowhere to put it. Why did I bring it? I don’t know. Anyway, they always ask for no photography during the show except during the curtain call – then they usually are doing a big group dance and you can get a good picture. Today, they bowed like a regular play and then disappeared, so the potd is pretty sketchy because I wasn’t ready. Previous-favorite-guy isn’t really in it (far left, behind a girl is part of his head). Sad.