
Monday, June 19, 2023

Kristine and Mike moved to Seattle when we moved to Woodbury, because Keith and Mike both lost their jobs when their company closed. I have often thought about if Keith had taken the job at Microsoft he was offered back then. I think we would be such different people than we are today. We would have clung to Mike and Kristine because we wouldn’t have had anyone else (well, and we like them). They are camper/hiker/climber folk and they would have taught us how to do that, too! We would be National Park people instead of Disney people! (Benjamin once thanked me for not being a National Park person while he was growing up – for waiting until he was an adult to really get interested in that kind of park hopping.) (In fairness, Mike and Kristine are pretty fair Disney park go-ers as well)

Anyway, these are such good people and I have had the most lovely day here. I hope I can come back soon!

1 thought on “Seattle”

  1. It’s been our pleasure having you guys here. It was a little chaotic at times, with grandchildren, dogs and other family. But so nice to visit together.

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