Saturday, June 3, 2023
Keith wins a best dad award today, and it isn’t even Father’s Day. After Alexander tried and returned the shoes from the first Bubba Gump’s expedition, Keith really went on the hunt. Nike doesn’t make the shoes that Alexander has been wearing (out) anymore, but Keith found some (very lightly) used on eBay. They arrived and were tried on and were deemed a win today. Can you tell which are new and which are old? (Bet you can and you can’t even see the 4 inch holes along the edges in this picture.)
Best dad ever!!!!
He really takes care of us 🙂
RAH!!! As a person with “feet of unusual shape,” I further endorse the award…
Feet of unusual shape!! That is perfect. I always said Alexander had blocks instead of feet as a baby – feet of unusual shape is way better