
Keith wanted a burger, so we went to Culver’s. We agreed that we would just order whatever we wanted. That is usually Keith’s way, but I have to calculate cost and stomach space and healthy (yes, I know…it is fast food) and think a lot. We had a coupon for BOGO double cheese burgers. I have never had a double burger. I got one by mistake one time at Five Guys, but I just took off the second patty and Keith ate it. He is always helpful. Today, I ate a DOUBLE. Or most of one. We had cheese curds AND pretzel balls with cheese. It was very inappropriate eating and I am stuffed, stuffed, stuffed.

We were in Cottage Grove and while Keith went to Walgreen’s, I went to Kohl’s to look for shorts in the clearance section. You never know what you might find – treasures that you didn’t even know you were looking for. I found a water proof jacket – that I need for the Alaska cruise! I had to wander around to find a sweater to put under it. I think it worked out well – and it was $11 marked down from $75. The yellow is just straight up going to clash with Keith’s yellow raincoat, but too bad. I will try to find us other yellow hats and gloves and we will just go as complete crazy people. It’s so good to have a theme.

I also bought TWO pairs of clown pants. Giant legged pants that could be described no other way than clown pants. I told Keith, but it wasn’t until I came out of the dressing room that he understood. “Oh. Those are really wide. And really long.” They definitely need to be hemmed up, or I will trip and fall down, and it is only sometimes funny when the clown falls down.

I also found some shorts.

Total win.

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