
Thursday, August 24, 2023

We had to go shopping for food. I am very proud we (Keith) (I was busy sitting) cooked for the first two days we’ve been back. We went to Five Guys on the way to Sam’s – we are ready for some more cooking tomorrow.

They’ve had Halloween stuff out for a while, but I hadn’t seen this trumpet and saxophone player before today. I danced to their music a little bit, then tried to get a picture so you tell the guy on the left is playing a trumpet not a clarinet. They move around and I was very moving around trying to get the picture (I never got a good one, so I am telling you he is playing trumpet). I definitely forget I am not invisible sometimes – just doing my own thing out in public.

2 thoughts on “Shopping”

  1. And, to quote Richard Feynman’s wife: “What do you care what other people think?” No need for that at all!!

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