Saturday, December 28, 2024
I had a three hour nap this morning. Then I was trying to think of something we could do so Nancy and Keith wouldn’t notice I was napping while we did it. I couldn’t think of anything, so after we ate leftover party food, I napped again.
Nancy remains the easiest person to make laugh. I said, “I was watching a guy chew gum..” and she lost it. She is so silly. (I was watching a guy chew gum while he pumped gas and we waited. Initially, I thought that men looked weird chewing gum, but I decided it really was anyone chewing gum. And then not so much the chewing of the gum, but the chewing of the gum with your mouth open. Open. Close. Open. Close. How do you even chew with your mouth open? Why? We practiced for a while and I have to be honest, we were not good at it and I am not really sorry about that. Is it mouth breathers? Do they have to breathe while they are chewing so they open their mouths? That makes me feel bad that I think they look so stupid (NOT a nice word, but that is the word I thought. Sorry) while they are doing it. Just think about how awful it would be if you didn’t know how to breathe through your nose. Ack! Awful. Oh, poor mouth breathers and their gum. Parents should probably tell their mouth breather kids not to chew gum because it doesn’t come off well. But I should be more accepting! I feel kinda bad now for being so judgy. Well, I did say that at the time of the watching of the gum chewing gas pumping observation I said to Keith that the guy was probably great – he looked like a great guy other than the chomping on the gum – and that I should be nicer. I said I shouldn’t have said that about him because he looked like a great guy, but at least we were in the privacy of our own car and no one would know about my judgy-ness. And now you do. But you also know I have learned from my mistake and I will endeavor to do better, which was the whole point of bringing up the gum chewer, which Nancy thought was hilarious.)
There was also an amazing sunset – more magenta than the picture – a color none of us felt we had ever seen before in a sunset.
I also took a picture of a Tupperware of cookies that Nancy put on my lap with the announcement, “This is what I have been doing when I go in my bedroom.” Secret cookies!

We watched an action, violent movie set on Christmas eve called Carry On. Very exciting. We liked it. After it was over, there was a promo for the 1997 movie Con Air. I said I had never seen it. Nancy said she had seen it a bunch of time and she started it. Bam! Decision made. I wish I was able to take action like that. Amazing.