Snow and no more strobe lighting

Monday, November 14, 2022 (Happy Birthday, Benjamin)

We had a solid bit of snow overnight. Not a lot, by any means, and I set out to work with no concerns. I got to the first corner and sliiiiiiiid to a stop.


I slowly made my way to see, encountering two school buses, a guy backing a trailer, and a whole lot more cars than I usually see. I made it without any further issues. I heard there were a LOT of fender benders. I heard a good piece of advice – 4 wheel drive helps you GO, it doesn’t help you STOP. Slow down. I wish everyone could learn that.

Brushing snow off the Rav4 after work was interesting. I seemed to be shorter than I used to be. It was a real challenge to reach across the windshield. I couldn’t reach any part of the roof.

Mmmm. What was going on?

As I continued to (ridiculously lamely) brush and scrape off the snow, I wondered why it felt so so so different. Then I figured it out. We got this car in January of 2021. I didn’t work until April of 2021. I didn’t go to work in January, February, or March of 2022. I have never had to brush snow off of it before.

It is a tall car.

Keith took the picture of the day while out getting the mail this evening. He showed it to me and told me it showed two things. Snow, I got right away. The other thing eluded me. He had to tell me – the light to the left of the front door has been flashing like a strobe light for about a year and half. Of course, we don’t notice it while we are in the house, so it really hasn’t been high on the priority list of fixings. A couple weeks ago, I asked and Keith took the whole light apart to try to figure it out. He ordered a new part, it came today, and he fixed it.

Ta daaaaa

2 thoughts on “Snow and no more strobe lighting”

    1. It does look pretty – just a little to bright up the trees and make it look fresh and clean. Do you ever get snow? I looked at your temperature the other day and it was nice and warm there – while it was so cold here.

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