The day started at a screech. I woke up with a Charley horse in the top of my foot. And a Charley horse in the side of my foot. And a Charley horse in the back of calf. It hurt so much. If it stretched one way, it was excruciating in another direction. I thrashed around, knocking Keith out of the bed. I think I looked like an audition for being in the exorcist.

It was horrible, and it lasted for TWO HOURS AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES. Badbadbad. Wait. BADBADBAD.

After that trauma finished (with the help of massage and a heating pad), I got to have a doughnut AND a bagel (happy Father’s day!!)

Later, we headed to nearby Edgerton to visit dear, dear friends from college. We had so much fun catching up – plus their wonderful sons came and cooked dinner! It has been too many years since we’ve seen them – we won’t let that happen again. (We wore masks because our friend is getting her knee replaced on Thursday. We also kept distant!)

4 thoughts on “SO HORRIBLE AND SO GREAT”

  1. Best wishes to your friend for a successful surgery, speedy recovery and fantastic result.

  2. Barbara+L+Thompson

    I have now read a lot of information about pickle juice and cramps. There is nothing scientific to support it, but also, nothing scientific to refute it. Many anecdotal stories of success is enough to convince me – I would happily try it if that ever happens again (pleasenopleasenopleaseno)

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