Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Today was great. It started early – we were up at 5am, as Keith was picking up his sister and family at the airport at 5:40am. As the real day started, Benjamin and Keith were working, Sean was running all over delivering presents and visiting, and I was just enjoying their company as it was available. Benjamin and I played a game after lunch. I cut men hairs. Benjin tried on new clothes (and couldn’t have been happier with his self-designated Starburst shirt and new summery pants). We cleaned up the living room, and all of the Christmas waste fit in the Kit Kat bag. Not our best, but a pretty good showing of not using too much wrapping. After dinner, we went to the Mall of America to get bubble tea and made some little purchases. When we got home, we played a game where you had to sing songs with a given word in the lyrics. We were sooooo bad at it, and yet it was fun. We made angel candy (fairy food). It is so easy and so fun and so addictive.

Happy days. I love your upbeat attitude to everything.
Have a wonderful time with Keith’s sister and family. 🙂 X
It would make sense that we would have been seeing them, but they had to get home (which is four hours away) and just jumped from our car to theirs (parked in our driveway) and headed home. I literally never saw them. (I did have the wherewithal to get them juice and muffins – so that was something.)
My favorite quote (which I cannot attribute to its author) is attitude are contagious – have one worth catching!
Was your game Encore? I always have trouble finding others willing to play that one.
Our flight home from Colorado was canceled so we get to stay another few days. We visited the Mines Museum and are headed to the Railroad Museum today and Conundrum Escape Room tonight. All of our heads are still spinning from Meow Wolf. There is nothing like it.
New fun fact: Golden CO is the birthplace of Jolly Ranchers candy.
Our game absolutely was Encore. Sean and I were hilarious singing songs all day today – thinking we were figuring out answers 12 hours late. Without exception, none of my today songs had any of the words we were searching for yesterday. Hilarious.
Cancelled flight without having to rearrange work schedules – the biggest joy yet of retirement! What a win! I am thinking that Keith and I will have to plan a vacation to Denver – there seem to be a lot of awesome things to do there.
Don’t you just love the word conundrum?